Everything Pins


Challenge Coins

Commemorate your special event, milestone or celebration with your own unique, one-of-a-kind challenge coin. Challenge coins are tokens of honor, making them an excellent incentive tool to promote unity, provide inspiration and celebrate achievement. Each coin is die struck with optional soft enamel fill to add color.

Top Markets

Challenge Coins serve as a symbol of pride, belonging and camaraderie.

• Military

• Civil Services
• Souvenir/Memorial
 Business Associations

• Church Groups

• Scout Troops

And many more!

Challenge Coin Pricing

 Size / Color1003005001000+
 1.5" (No Color: Die Struck Only)$3.50$3.30$3.22$2.86
 1.5" (Color: 1-Side)$3.79$3.57$3.51$3.12
 1.5" (Color: Both Sides)$3.96$3.79$3.57$3.33
1.75" (No Color: Die Struck Only)$3.84$3.65$3.57$3.19
 1.75" (Color: 1-Side)$4.20 $4.10$4.00 $3.57
1.75" (Color: Both Sides) $4.54$4.49 $4.42$3.96
 2.00" (No Color: Die Struck Only)$4.20 $4.00 $3.86 $3.49
2.00" (Color: 1-Side)$ 4.62 $4.61$ 4.50$ 4.02
2.00" (Color: Both Sides) $5.13 $5.06 $5.01 $4.54
Please Call Us at 1-800-216-8219 for Quantities Greater than 5,000
Enamel Paint Cans

Color: Enamel Filling

We use Solid Coated Pantone colors. The Pantone Color System (PMS) is a standardized color-matching system used to create enamel filling, as it cannot be mixed in traditional CMYK.

We can find the closest match for you if you are not sure.

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